Video Links:

Therapeutic Riding @ MSF click here to view video
Dan The Man click here to view video
The Climb click here to view video
Flying Angel - click here to view video
Foal Running - click here to view video
"Harley" Trouble is his middle Name  - click here to view video
You Are Loved  - click here to view video
Bless The Beasts and the Children - click here to view video
Kids Having Fun - click here to view video
Do It Anyway - click here to view video
Foal's First Winney - click here to view video
Emily "MSF Show"  - click here to view video
Life Is What You Make It - click here to view video
Life Is What You Make It 2- click here to view video
The Future Is Bright - click here to view video
The Stallion and The Foal - click here to view video
Gymkhana - click here to view video
Pony Express - click here to view video
Katelyn riding with the big girls! - click here to view video
Just Dance - click here
Maggie & Mollie, Light Of My Life - click here
  Morning Star Farm
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